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Rewire your brain and energy for success with future pacing

Oct 09, 2024


If you’re a female founder or entrepreneur ready to tap into the power of energetics in your daily life, this is exactly what you’ve been waiting for. Today, we’re talking about: Future Pacing. A incredible game-changing technique that can help you move beyond just setting goals and checking off action items, and instead embody the success, peace, and satisfaction you're striving for.

What is Future Pacing?

Future Pacing—is known as a mental rehearsal—essentially it is a powerful visualisation technique where you vividly imagine yourself in the future, already living the life you want. Now, before you start…It's important to remember that it’s not just about seeing your goals; it’s about feeling and embodying them on a deeper level. By immersing yourself in the energy of your desired outcomes, you train your mind to believe that these goals are already within reach. Doing this consistently aligns your energy to attract and manifest these outcomes into your reality. 

Why Energetic Alignment is Essential for Female Entrepreneurs

Let’s be honest: as women in business, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle—systems, processes, action steps. But what about the internal work? If you’re aiming for sustainable success, you can’t ignore the importance of preparing your inner world. Your subconscious, your nervous system—these need to feel safe and ready to hold the level of success you’re working toward.

That’s where Future Pacing comes in. It helps you become an energetic match for the success you’re calling in, so when it arrives, it feels natural and sustainable, rather than overwhelming or leading to burnout. Imagine having a flourishing business that grows and feels aligned with who you are at your core.

The Science Behind Future Pacing

From a scientific perspective, Future Pacing activates your brain’s Reticular Activating System (RAS). This system helps you notice opportunities aligned with your goals, so it’s like priming your mind to find the paths to success. On an energetic level, it works with the Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration to align your vibrational frequency with your desired outcomes. Basically, you’re tuning your energy to the same frequency as the success you’re seeking, which makes it much easier to bring it into reality.

How to Start Future Pacing: Step-by-Step

Step 1: Find a quiet space
Start by finding a quiet and peaceful spot where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and bring your awareness to the present moment. Use your breath to calm your mind and body, centering yourself.

Step 2: Focus on your third eye
Gently shift your attention to the space between your eyebrows, often called the third eye. Visualise a soft, golden light here, opening up a portal to your future self.

Step 3: Visualise your future self
Now, see yourself already living your dream life. It could be running a thriving business, enjoying financial freedom, or feeling totally at ease in your day-to-day life. Get as descriptive as you can while you envision this, as though you’re watching it unfold in front of you like a movie

Step 4: Transfer your energy
With each inhale, imagine your energy rising from your body into this future vision. With each exhale, see your energy flowing into this future reality, aligning your present self with the future version of you.

Step 5: Fully immerse yourself
Stay in this visualised experience until you feel the emotions associated with your desired reality. It could be joy, contentment, ease, or excitement. Really feel those emotions. Let them wash over you.

Step 6: Return to the present
Once you’ve fully embodied that future state, gently bring yourself back to the present. Close the portal, and ground yourself back in the now, knowing that you’ve already tapped into the energy of your future success.

Why Future Pacing is so Effective for Entrepreneurs

What’s so magical about Future Pacing? It quickly aligns your inner world with your goals, allowing you to take aligned action and attract opportunities that help you reach your dreams. By visualising and embodying your success, you’re not just hoping for it—you’re creating it. This makes Future Pacing an incredible tool for entrepreneurs looking for sustainable growth and long-term success.

If you’re eager to start incorporating Future Pacing into your daily routine, there’s no better time than now! Whether you do it in the morning to set the tone for the day or in the evening to wind down, this technique can transform the way you approach your goals and dreams.

Don’t forget to share your experiences on Instagram! Tag me and let’s inspire each other. And if you’re ready to dive even deeper,  out my resources on EFT tapping and The Embodied Entrepreneur program to continue this journey. Let’s redefine what it means to be successful—together!


Stress Free Launch Kit: Download Here

Embodied Entrepreneur: Learn More Here

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About Jessica

Jessica Read is a Holistic Business Mentor and Alternative Therapist with over 17 years of experience in business and Entrepreneurship.

She empowers soul-led entrepreneurs through EFT, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and Mind-Body healing, guiding them to unlock their potential, master emotional regulation, and align their energy for sustainable business success.

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