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"Conscious and Aligned Business"


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Welcome to the "Conscious and Aligned Business"



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84.  Why Your Nervous System is the Real CEO

Today we're unraveling the mysteries of your nervous system in a cozy and holistic way.

85. The core of conscious business

In this episode, we're unravelling the secrets of conscious and aligned business. Discover how to harmonise your values, beliefs, and intuitive wisdom with your business decisions.

86. Human First—Co-creating with your business

As impact-driven entrepreneurs, it's crucial to remember that we are human beings first and business owners second.

Hi, I’m Jessica.

Mother | EFT Practitioner | Hypnotherapist | Holistic Life Coach | Manifesting Generator

When I started my business nearly four years ago, I joined a high level mastermind before I was ready and before I had made any money. My vision was to have a really big impact with Inspired Life Collective and I needed the guidance to make it happen.

I assumed I was going to learn strategy, branding and finances, and then my business would magically succeed. But what I wasn't expecting was how many times my coaches and peers held up a mirror to show me what was standing in my way.

It was all internal blocks - from limiting beliefs, stories around my worthiness and capabilities to money scarcity and more. Every time my mentors reflected something to me, I would do the deep work to release the beliefs, stories and trauma that was subconsciously holding me back from reaching my full potential.

For my business to grow and my strategy to work, I had to experience inner growth first.

I could not hold what I was not a match for. Now I want to create the same space for you, not only to identify those blocks, but to work through underlying root causes and heal yourself in order to evolve and move into your highest expansion.

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