EP 134: You want to be profitable, it's time to plug your leaks
[00:00:00] Are you a soul centered entrepreneur ready to step into your power and create a life and business you love? Welcome to the Alive and Thriving podcast, where host Jessica and industry experts explore how your inner world fuels your outer success. Let's dive in and ignite the embodied leader you were meant to be.
squadcaster-ib1c_3_09-19-2024_113856: Are you doing everything that you can to make money in your business? And yet, for some reason, it is still not profitable. You still feel like money is giving you this really like heavy feeling in your body, and maybe you're even laying awake at night, stressing over all of the things that you are financially committed to.
Today, we are going to have a conversation about money and money energetics. And I'm really looking forward to this conversation because I am going to share with you [00:01:00] three really practical things that you can look at that you can do right now. Right now to start to change the relationship that you have with money.
Now, my name is Jessica Rage. I am an alternative therapist and holistic business mentor, and I am here to help female founders and spiritual entrepreneurs have a healthy, emotional experience in your business as the most embodied version of success that you can be. So I was listening again the other day to profit first by Mike.
Oh, it can never say his last name. I'm sorry. Profit first. I'm sure the book, if you don't know it, then I highly recommend that you listen to it. But I was listening again and this is the third time I've listened to this book. And in his introduction, he says eight out of 10 small businesses.
Fail. And the [00:02:00] number one reason reported was that they weren't profitable. Now, I had, I heard a similar stat the other day from a speech that I was listening to, and it said that 90 percent of first time businesses fail. 80 percent of second time businesses succeed, but only 10 percent of those first 90 percent will actually try again.
No, that was really interesting. Okay. Makes a lot of sense. So then I really got thinking about profit in a way that I like to think about things and how everything is a reflection of our internal world. And I was reflecting on all of the universal laws. And then I drew out this diagram what does it take to run a successful business?
So if you are on YouTube right now, you can see this diagram. That I have to show it. If you're not, I'll quickly explain it to you. It's basically like this really messy little [00:03:00] mind map that I was like, okay, what does it take to keep a business going? Yes, we need to have a profitable business because at some point your business needs to make money.
Otherwise, it's a hobby. It's not a business. Okay, we've got profitable business over here. And then for me over the other side, we've got this other component that is you, your mindset, your beliefs, your nervous system, your health, your wellbeing. Like you are the other component to running a profitable and successful business.
And without these two things, you have a hobby. You have a different mindset if you're a hobbyist. So then I was breaking down. Okay, profitable business. What contributes to a proper, I keep saying pobitable welcome to Alive and Thriving where Jess can't speak. Okay, what contributes to a profitable business?
And I wrote strategy. And then I was like, okay, [00:04:00] but strategy, you can see my little arrow here strategy then means implementing strategy, which means visibility, which means potentially money, which means being authentic, which means finding a strategy that aligns with your energy type and your values. And to do that, you have to know your energy type and you have to know your values.
So strategy points back up to you. Profitable business also points over to you, because if you don't have money mindset, and by the way, if you listened a couple of weeks ago, I had Claire Wood on the podcast. Claire is a money mindset expert. She shared 3 blocks that she sees to be the most common. Blocks for money, like the most common internal money blocks that we have.
So you can go back and listen to that episode. I will link it at the end of this and in the show notes, but so profitable. There [00:05:00] I go again, not being able to speak profitable business leaks to you. Strategy leaks to you. Then I was like, okay, what's next systems. So then I thought, okay with systems, we either need to be.
Working on something that we, because we know that it is going to buy us back time. Often with systems, we are investing in platforms. We're investing in people. We're investing in team also was under my successful business, profitable business list, and all of these things are going to come back to you and your mindset and your beliefs and your comfort with risk and what it is that you're working towards Are you building systems so that you can actually work less?
Is it the Timothy Ferris four hour workweek that you are working towards? Do you actually believe that to be true and possible for you? And if you don't, then it's a you thing, right? So. everything is [00:06:00] coming back up to, do I have the mindset? Do I have the beliefs? Do I have the physical energy and the wellbeing to be able to support what it takes for a profitable business?
Then I had team on there, which again, there's all sorts of blocks around hiring, around perfectionism, around money. There's all these blocks. And then I thought business model as well. And then we look at beliefs that we need to unbecome like training time for money, having to wear all the hats again, how comfortable you are with risk how scalable your business actually is, because if you are in that time for money mindset, then there is going to be a limitation.
On your income, because you can literally only trade a certain amount of hours that we've been gifted in these beautiful days that we have with money. So I didn't go any deeper into my profitable business diagram in true. I have hanging gate 16 from my throat in my human [00:07:00] design. And that means I basically take what I need from something and then I'm done.
So I didn't need to finish that. I had what I needed. Because for me, everything was leading back to you. So then I was like, alright, we have already spoken about money mindset on this podcast. I also shared, gosh, would have been nearly 18 months ago, an episode that gave you a really great perspective on not being able to afford things and the kind of things that you say to yourself around money.
But definitely Claire's episode is the one to go and listen to. So then I was like, we need to go deeper into this. We need to go deeper into what it is behind you that we can really plug. And then it hit me. It was like, where are the energy leaks? So today we are diving into the topic of energy leaks because if you do not identify your energy leaks, and I know this.
Not only from my clients, but [00:08:00] from my experience, from my own personal experience. Some of you have heard me share that I have had a rocky relationship with money in the past. I will get into some of that a little bit later, if you can't go and identify where your money leaks are energetically and in actual dollars, Then you're not going to actually be in an energy that money is going to feel safe to come into.
Okay. So let's have a bit of a look now at how we identify our money, our energy leaks. And so I guess this really comes to can you identify Within your life, within your business, where you are like, really working hard and you're doing all the things you're being told, but you're not seeing the results that you want to see.
And so this is where we're going to consider is it an energy leak that is [00:09:00] preventing you from attracting. This abundance and, receiving this abundance into your life because energy leaks can manifest in so many different ways. So these things like negative beliefs, limiting thoughts, unresolved, emotional baggage, money, trauma, all of these things are going to contribute to identifying your energy leaks.
So I want you to take a moment to actually reflect right now. You might even like to pause me, take a moment to reflect on what is your current relationship with money and don't just reflect on the blocks that we talked about with Claire. Don't just reflect on your business. I want you to reflect on a holistic picture because it might be that your business.
On paper is actually doing okay, pretty well. Maybe you want more profit, but you're hitting this income [00:10:00] ceiling, but there are leaks in your personal life. It is the, CEO or the entrepreneur who has the fancy a hundred thousand, 200, 000, 500, 000 car and the multimillion dollar home and 5 million business, but they are.
Up to their neck in bank loans. That's a money leak. Can you see within your life, what is your current relationship with money like? And I know for me. For me, it was a matter of looking at the fact I never used to look at my books. I never did. I was so adamant that I wasn't doing well, that I wouldn't even go in and reconcile my zero account.
I wouldn't look at my monthly figures. I wouldn't look at my spend. I wouldn't look at my income. I knew I was spending a lot. I have built my business with very intentional [00:11:00] investments. To give me a really great platform to leap forward with. That was a choice. But I also had to look at was I recklessly spending.
And to be honest, I was scared to look at my money. And so for, I couldn't tell you the first 12 months, 18 months of my business. I didn't, I had no idea what my books were doing. I had no idea what was coming in and out of my bank account. All I knew was that I had to keep topping it up and. That made me completely miss the fact that my actual revenue in my business was doubling every quarter confirmation.
I was doing something well. So that leak of me, not even looking at my books that was coming from this shame story that I have shared with you before. And I'm going to do a whole separate podcast episode on [00:12:00] where I lost money when I was very young. In a business investment, I created a business. I didn't charge what I should have charged.
I over, overspent on what I needed and I lost money. I also had lost money in an investment with my super and so these things led me to really believe that I couldn't trust myself with money. Even though there was so much evidence that I could, I had done a lot of smart things. I've done a lot of smart things on paper.
I had always been able to take care of myself. I had bought a home when I was 21, even though I think I was only earning about 45, 000 a year. I don't really know how that happened, but I guess, yeah, I had a lot of evidence that [00:13:00] I Could earn good money that I could create good things like there was all this evidence there, but the emotional component behind what I had experienced actually prevented me from seeing where I was leaking.
And so that emotion that I brought in and that then led me to ignore my books. It led me to ignore what was what I was spending. I never did an audit because I was just embarrassed about my money. And then that was in my business. And then personally, I was like, Oh, Bill comes out a signal. I'll deal with that later.
That was literally me. I was like, Oh, we don't really have the money for this right now. So I'll just put it aside. And then when I actually really look at that and when I did look at it, I was like, I know. I have so many money leaks. Everywhere, because of the energy that I was bringing to them. So in when we get to point number 3, [00:14:00] I'm going to share some ways to really help you overcome this.
Particularly if you're in a space where it's oh, I literally can't pay it right now. That's okay. We are going to change the vibration of this. But this is the 1st thing. The very 1st step for you is actually identifying. Where are your money leaks and if that might not just be in terms of what you're spending, okay, that might not just be that you are spending on subscriptions and things that you don't need or that aren't moving your business forward or that you totally forgot you signed up to, that was me as well without looking at my business to see what I was spending, didn't realize how much I could have also not been spending, but where are your leaks energetically?
Where do you need to start looking at plugging? Do you need to actually be in your bank account every single day, becoming familiar with your money for a little while and becoming familiar with things and becoming so safe with things going out and coming in and going out and coming in. Do you [00:15:00] need to actually be looking at your books more regularly?
Do you actually need to get in and reconcile your books? How do you expect that money is going to feel safe with you? And you can have this flow when you don't even have the energetic capacity. To reconcile your books, are you spending outside of your means just looking at where it is that you have these energetic leaks with your money and how you can start to plug them.
We want to create a really clean energy with this and it is not clean. Then it is going to be blocked. So where does money feel heavy for you when you know, is it when bills come in? Is it when you are looking at spending? Like, where is it that money feels heavy and let's really identify the leaks that you need to plug personally, which might also be [00:16:00] emotional leaks.
They might be thought based beliefs. Leaks, which brings me to my second point, which is that what we bring in emotionally, what we believe our emotions is going to significantly impact your financial well being and how profitable your business is going to be. So just like me that I shared before, if you are holding onto these feelings of guilt and shame or fear around money, then it is time to address them because they are leaks for you.
They are leaks. They are going to prevent you from having any money. That reciprocal energy, if you think about all of the universal laws and you think about the law of vibration and if you are vibrating at a level that is low frequency [00:17:00] and you are, that is what you're putting out into the world, then that is what is going to come back to you.
The universe is only going to mirror. Your internal vibrations proceed manifesting. So you can mentally manifest all you like. But if you do not at your emotional level, feel it and believe it, then it's not going to happen, or it will happen, but you'll sabotage your way straight back out of it.
In identifying, once you've identified your leaks, I want you to then really look at what emotional component is there to this. What beliefs am I holding? What stories, what memories, what emotions am I bringing in? And consider if you can't hold that space for yourself. I know for me, I really had to actually work with somebody to get that, to really get [00:18:00] that cleared for me and feel safe enough to dive deep into my own blind spots because we can't clear what we can't see for ourselves.
squadcaster-ib1c_5_09-19-2024_115933: So if you need to find somebody to hold that for you, then please do we go deep into money beliefs in our embodied entrepreneur program. It is a whole stage of abundance. We also can work through beliefs that you identify and just starting with the discomfort in your body. Even if you don't know what the belief is in my becoming limitless, which is actually an on demand program that you can access right now. And there is a link in the show notes. It is a workshop that you can literally get now and jump in and start working with your body, your mind, and your energy system to identify what is going on for you and blocking you at its root cause, clear it, and then program in a new belief.
It is very powerful. [00:19:00] So if you can do it on your own, then please do please work through the emotions that you are holding behind these leaks. Why aren't you looking at your books? Why aren't you comfortable spending? Why are you ignoring your bills? Why are you doing these things? What is the story and belief in the emotion behind it?
And then let's start to really shift into this belief that if you think about the law of oneness, the state said everything is all one. Money is just energy. Money is energy. Everything is one coming from source of consciousness. And even that, money this microphone, this computer, my body, everything is energy.
And if we are, if it is all connected, then money flows to you and it flows [00:20:00] through you. And we need to take money off this pedestal that we've put it on. As this thing that's like up here and it's so hard to achieve and it's so far away and it brings all this power and literally bring it back to once you can clear those fearful negative heavy emotions that are really bringing a fear based relationship with money because whether that again is in your personal life or your business it is going to impact your capacity to hold a profitable business.
And you can bring your, bring yourself to a space of neutrality with your emotions and your money. And for me, I've worked really hard on that purely because I don't want to lay awake at night stressing about the economy, stressing about things that are, Somewhat out of my [00:21:00] control, but also very fear based.
I don't want to do that to myself because I want to protect my internal state. I choose to protect my internal state. And to do that, I need to choose to have a different relationship with money. And that, for me, meant identifying my leaks, and there are a lot. There were lots of leaks. I had so much shame around money, identifying my leaks, working through the emotional challenges that I had, the beliefs that I had, the fear, the shame, all of the stories and all of the emotions that I was carrying so that I could vibrate.
On a different frequency, so that then what I am vibrating in my frequency, because I have changed my emotional state around money is going to give a different frequency. The universe is mirroring my internal world. It is [00:22:00] mirroring your internal world. So if you're in, if you are not getting what you want, then it is time to look inward.
Which brings me to our third point for today, and that is that once you have identified and cleared any energy leaks that you have within your life right now and within your body, within your energy field, then it is time to start aligning your energy with abundance. And that is looking at how you can start to cultivate energies like gratitude and bring more of this into your world.
Can you start using techniques like future pacing? I have an episode coming where I'm going to teach you how to future pace. Can you start using things like future pacing to actually bring in that vibration now? Because remember that literally. What you are vibrating at is what you are going to attract.
As I just [00:23:00] said, the universe is going to mirror your internal world. And so that means that you need to get clean inside. We need to plug the energy leaks. We need to plug the financial leaks, and I don't know. I'm not here to give financial advice. But if you have things going out everywhere and it does not feel good, can you consolidate something can what can you do?
Can you bring more money into your business to pay something off quickly? What can you do to plug that actual flow of leaks? But then what do you need to do to plug your. Internal leaks, which are coming from your emotional experiences and your beliefs, so that then you can align yourself with this energy of abundance.
And this, remember, abundance, is an energy that, sometimes can be really hard to grasp because we are constantly bombarded with limits. Our brain, our [00:24:00] negative bias is going to bombard us with limits. The media is going to bombard us with limits. Family, friends. Things that we perceive to be reality because we're not hanging out with people and surrounding ourselves in circles where the things that we.
Feel could be possible for us are actually possible for other people if we're not in those circles if we're not actively seeing those things to be possible if we're not looking for. Evidence that it can happen. Then we're looking for evidence that there are limits. So how can you align your energy with abundance?
How can you bring more gratitude into your world? And you're sitting here going, Jess, I hear that. And I'm not bringing some toxic positivity message here because as I said, we need to deal with the emotions that we are also experiencing. We need to find a way to learn to feel more neutral about our money situation.
We also would need to look at practical strategies to deal with the [00:25:00] fact that we probably owe money. That is a reality, yes, but how it impacts you emotionally, I really truly believe is a choice. I really do. And I believe that because it is the choice that I've given myself and I experienced that and it is something that I teach and it is freeing.
It is so freeing. Again, it doesn't mean that there aren't things that I have to deal with and things that I have to pay and realities to face like, yes, our mortgage has gone up exponentially, which has meant that we have had to earn more. But then let's look at the gratitude there. Okay. How amazing is it that both myself and my partner are in a job that we can do that, that we can go, okay, we have our own business like to earn this amount more every month.
Plus our tax and plus the super, like we have to earn. This amount more, if we were in a nine to five, we wouldn't be able to just say, Hey we need a three and a half thousand dollar a month pay rise. No, we just [00:26:00] need to look at how do we do that. So we bring gratitude for the fact that we've actually created this reality for ourselves where we can.
Do that where we can ask the question, how do I bring more in rather than being in a position where there are limitations that are actually placed on us from me, the only limitation in my business, I truly believe is my mind. And I believe that for my partner's business to the only limitation. Is our mind.
So how can you bring more gratitude in? How can you future pace and sit in that frequency, that energetic frequency of abundance? Now, what does that feel like in a vibration in your body? How do you get there? And maybe these are practical steps like vision boarding and future pacing and these life scripting and meditations and visualizations and hypnosis is maybe these are all things that you can do anything that you [00:27:00] can do to bring in that real sensory experience, but to train your brain and train your reticular activating system that this is a pathway.
It's like illuminating a pathway for you and then energetically once you have released that fear and you accept money as this neutral energy as in the law of oneness where we're all connected everything is all connected then again money comes off this pedestal and then it's literally just like I, I have this expectation that I am going to receive.
That is an expectation that I am going to come into my day and into my business with because everything is just an energetic exchange, whether it be exchanging time or whether it be exchanging money. So if you remember that the law that the universe is responding to your energy into your vibrations and also remember that once once you have this, you [00:28:00] detach.
The law of detachment states that we declare what it is that we want, what we need, what we are working towards, and then we let go of that attachment. So by aligning your energy with this energy of abundance, you are sending a really powerful signal that attracts more of what you desire. And, there has just been so many experiences now that I have known this to be true.
And I really feel like.
squadcaster-ib1c_5_09-19-2024_115933: You could get more into the universal laws, the law of oneness, the law of vibration, the law of abundance, the law of attraction, the law of allowance. Am I even going to allow this? Do I even believe? That this is possible, or do I believe that there are limited resources? This is coming back to our second point.
Identifying where your internal leaks are.
So if you are in a position now, where again, there are things to pay, and [00:29:00] you have to go through this process of plugging these leaks, and some of them might be an actual flow thing, you might be asking, like, how can I bring gratitude? Into something when I can't even pay the whole thing. Like my bill is due, I can't pay it.
Can you pay one portion of that bill and then sit and actually say, thank you. There's something, there's a book that I read a while ago, I listened to, I don't read them. I listen. And it was, I think it's money, a love story by Kate Northrup. And she talks about a blessings received calendar. And on that calendar goes all your bills.
But with each time that the bill becomes due is actually coming up as a blessing received because you are paying for the electricity that heated your home over winter. You are paying for the phone that has kept you connected and potentially even run a business for you. You are paying for all of these [00:30:00] blessings that you have received in your life.
And that in itself is a vibrational shift of just looking and going, okay. Cause there's, Oh, I've got to pay the bills. And then there's, Oh, thank you for the hot water that I just showered in. And I'm so happy to pay for that. And if you, if it is literally that your bank account right now is no I can not pay for that.
I can not, do that. Pay what you can. And, obviously plug your leaks by speaking to your providers, by coming up with something that actually feels good in terms of you paying something that is manageable for you. And then every time you do pay, I want you to sit in gratitude for that. Sit in gratitude for the service that you're paying for.
Sit in gratitude for the fact that you were able to contribute to that bill. And really start to train your mind [00:31:00] to look for the blessings in what you are receiving. And look for the blessings in where your money is going and also look for the things that you can detach from. Sometimes we pay for things and we have things in our life because we think we should have because someone else has it and we're actually operating from a real not self theme that's going to come in when you're identifying your leaks.
Am I holding on to this thing because I'm, energetically hoarding it because I want to be keeping up with the Joneses, keeping up with the Kardashians, keeping up with whoever you are keeping up with the influences on Instagram who aren't showing their full reality. Who are you wanting to keep up with by keeping that thing?
Does it truly serve you? Does it bring joy and purpose into your life or your business? Is it moving your needle forward? And sometimes that [00:32:00] detachment. That minimal, minimalistic, sometimes that's actually a really nice thing. So I truly believe that overcoming your energy leaks is going to be key, not only for your personal abundance, but for you to really hold a profitable business.
Because remember my diagram, everything comes back. Probably can't see this. Everything comes back to you. Everything comes back to you. So if you got something out of this episode, then share it with a business friend who also needs to plug her leaks and then come over to Instagram and share with me what your big takeaways were.
What. Energy leaks you have identified. And of course, if you would like some support to release your, now I have the hiccups. If you would like some support to release your [00:33:00] blocks, even if you don't know what they are yet, even if all you know is that you think about the bills and you feel a weird sensation in your stomach, even if that is all then becoming limitless, the on demand Online workshop where we will go through a mind, body and energetic practice to identify the belief at its root cause and to release it and to reprogram it with a new one that is actually going to serve you that workshop is available for you right now at this point, as I record this, it is 79.
And right now it also includes a 30 minute follow up session with me to gain momentum on what you have cleared. So it is amazing value and it is bringing people lasting results, which I love. So if you want a quick breakthrough, it is a 90 minute workshop and you can access it straight away. [00:34:00] So go and join Becoming Limitless if that is what your next step is, otherwise come and share with me what energy leaks you have identified and what you're going to be doing to plug those leaks.
And I cannot wait to see your beautiful business soar into this profitable space because you have cleared what is within you that needs to be cleared to be able to hold that. Thank you so much for joining me. I look forward to seeing you on our next episode. And if this episode resonated with you, then you will also like the episode with Claire that we recorded a few weeks ago.
You can scroll back and find that if you're watching on YouTube, that is going to come up right now on your screen. Have the most amazing day.
That's a wrap on today's episode. Feeling inspired to explore your inner world and reach your full potential? We'd love to hear from you. [00:35:00] Subscribe for more, leave a review and share your takeaways on Instagram at jessica. reid. ilc. Until next time, keep thriving!