Jessica Read

Mother | Manifestor | EFT Practitioner | Hypnotherapist | Holistic Life Coach

To the self-led woman desiring to feel fulfilled again, welcome to my world.

 It’s a privilege to have you here at Inspired Life Collective.

Sometimes we have to go through hardship to be able to live fully. It was through my own vulnerability that I experienced the biggest breakthrough. By committing to a journey of healing and self-discovery, I now feel completely aligned to my purpose and am living a fulfilled and abundant life.

Listen to my story on the podcast

As a busy mum, I felt like I was living in a state of constant chaos. I had struggled with physiological signals of my suboptimal health for years, including migraines, debilitating anxiety, panic attacks, and SVT (increased heart rate), however it was during the final stages of my second pregnancy and my daughter’s early months that were my turning point. Confined to the house, my anxiety was holding me prisoner and keeping me in a constant state of panic. Like most of us, my first point of contact was trusted medical professionals, who I soon realised just wanted to give me a medicinal ‘Band-Aid’. After trying six different medications with no success, I refused a seventh and began looking elsewhere for the answers I needed.

I turned to alternative health practices, learned about them and worked hard to heal myself. And it worked. But more than this, my recovery uncovered my true purpose in life. I invested in expanding my knowledge, gaining qualifications as an Advanced EFT Practitioner, Advanced Life Coach, Meditation Therapist with Holistic Counselling Skills, and Functional Nutritionist. I harnessed a unique skill set and a self-described superpower – the ability to identify the root cause of trauma quickly and provide emotional first aid to clients in a space where they feel strong enough to break the cycle of destructive behaviour and thoughts. This allows them to lean into their self-awareness and learn the skills needed to elevate their life beyond their wildest dreams.

I’m here to show you what is truly possible. Let’s get started.

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