Apply for the Mastermind Today



The Transcendence Mastermind is an energetic blend of personal and business expansion that surpasses ordinary limits and takes you to new depths of purpose and success. Get ready to attract more income, more impact and higher value clients into your world.




The Transcendence Mastermind is an energetic blend of personal and business expansion that surpasses ordinary limits and takes you to new depths of purpose and success. Get ready to attract more income, more impact and higher value clients into your world.

It all starts from within.


This 12-month holistic mastermind container goes far beyond strategy alone.

It integrates a profound personal evolution, so you can become a match for your next business expansion - whether that’s a higher income, more aligned clients or a life and business that feels abundant and safe for your nervous system.

Come as you are and be prepared for deep healing and self development as you learn to energetically connect with your highest self and what you want to hold and create in your business. This is achieved through a unique blend of business coaching and alternative therapies that seamlessly integrate mind, body and energetics.

It is also a container that has the capacity to hold space for ALL parts of you - the mindset, coaching and deeper wounds you may have previously felt you needed to hide to be successful. It is these very scars that can shape you into something more powerful. This container will allow you to be fully visible, as I and an energetically aligned group hold space for you to break through barriers and surpass self imposed limitations to reach your biggest potential.

I know by now, you have likely invested in strategies and training for your business, yet you're still getting to that expansion edge and being pulled back. Why?

Because to hold your next level in business, you must become an energetic match for what you are trying to create. You can have all the strategy in the world but you still have to implement it. And it all starts with you. The work is internal, profoundly deep, and it's not for everyone.



“The fears we don’t face become our limits”

- Robin Sharma

Does this sound like you?

Time and time again, you have invested in business strategies and upleveling your skills, but you keep hitting a personal glass ceiling.

Let me ask you a question:

Consciously you desire high-level clients who value you.

Instead, you are easily triggered and are attracting mismatched clients into your business.

Consciously you desire a higher income level that feels abundant and comes with ease.

Instead, you can’t seem to reach that next level and the overwhelm is real.

Consciously you desire growth.

Instead, your imposter syndrome is loud and you’re self-imposing limitations on your business.

Consciously you desire a business that feels in alignment and flow.

Instead, you are weighed down by heavy energies that aren’t even yours and feel stuck in the perpetual cycle of doing more.

In this mastermind, you will consciously create a business that feels safe in your nervous system, aligns with your authentic self and creates effortless expansion in business and beyond.



Here's how you'll be deeply supported:

Monthly Renewal Calls (60 minutes) 

This is essential for people who are impacted by other people’s energy and require a safe container to release what is not theirs and renew their own energy. These facilitated calls will ensure that you show up for your clients feeling regulated and refreshed, without any triggers in your way.

Monthly Hot Seat Calls (90 minutes) 

These calls are very powerful, as you surround yourself with my guidance and like-minded peers. It’s an opportunity to become unstuck in your business, overcome your blocks and self-imposed limitations through the magic of hot seat coaching.

Monthly Growth Calls (90 minutes)

Personal growth and strengths-led strategy facilitated calls with myself and other trusted experts on topics that help you to build a deeper relationship with yourself, support personal growth, regulate your nervous system, break through limiting beliefs and elevate your strategy game.

Real Time Support 

 Transcendence Slack Channel for on-going support from your mentors, group accountability and collaboration. The magic happens when you surround yourself with energetically aligned people.

Portal Learning 

These resources will support you to create solid business foundations and strategy that aligns with your unique strengths, gifts and energy type. Includes access to all past calls.

When priced as individual calls, these inclusions are valued at over $25,000 for the year. However a monetary value can’t be placed on the inner transformation that will flow into every part of your life from family to business and wellbeing if you're willing to put in the work and commit to the experience.

"Working with Jess on all aspects of my new business has been a game-changer for me. Her expert guidance and deep knowledge in all areas of business, the modalities she uses, and working within the service-based, alternate healing sector have been pivotal in me breaking through limiting beliefs and overcoming feelings of stagnation. Jess's dedication, personalised advice, and unwavering support have been instrumental in bringing about significant positive changes in my quest to establish my own business.

Through our collaboration, I've experienced transformation and growth that have had a profound impact on both my professional and personal life. I highly recommend Jess for anyone seeking meaningful results and support in their business and healing journeys."


In addition to the Mastermind experience, you will also gain access to these BONUSES

($11,660 value)

2 x 60 minute Private Healing Sessions

Valued over $700

For faster, deeper movement through your blocks, therapeutic support to heal what you are ready to let go of (once per quarter)

Strategy Support with Annelise Worn

Valued over $550 p/month

Business Strategist, Speaker and Marketing Agency CEO, Annelise works with women all over the world to simplify and amplify their business. Annelise will be coming into our Slack Channel weekly and Hot Seat Calls to support YOU.

Human Design Insights with Tegan Parkinson

Valued at $180 p/month

Tegan's intuitive gifts as a human design guide will support you to get to know your unique self deeper in a capacity that will support your journey to creating an energetically aligned and strengths led business. Once Monthly.

Embodied Entrepreneur Self-paced Program

Valued over $2200

Full access to ALL of my on-line resources including Embodied Entrepreneur, the ultimate Self-development journey to help you cultivate the internal resources to embody the Successful Entrepreneur within.

Hi, I’m Jessica.

Mother | EFT Practitioner | Hypnotherapist | Holistic Life Coach | Manifesting Generator

When I started my business nearly four years ago, I joined a high level mastermind before I was ready and before I had made any money. My vision was to have a really big impact with Inspired Life Collective and I needed the guidance to make it happen.

I assumed I was going to learn strategy, branding and finances, and then my business would magically succeed. But what I wasn't expecting was how many times my coaches and peers held up a mirror to show me what was standing in my way.

It was all internal blocks - from limiting beliefs, stories around my worthiness and capabilities to money scarcity and more. Every time my mentors reflected something to me, I would do the deep work to release the beliefs, stories and trauma that was subconsciously holding me back from reaching my full potential.

For my business to grow and my strategy to work, I had to experience inner growth first.

I could not hold what I was not a match for. Now I want to create the same space for you, not only to identify those blocks, but to work through underlying root causes and heal yourself in order to evolve and move into your highest expansion.


Where personal evolution and energy management is your new business strategy.

This is not your regular coaching container. Experience 12 months of deep transformation with my holistic approach to business growth through the power of self expansion, deep healing and strengths led business strategies. You will surpass self-imposed limitations, beliefs and fears and become an energetic match for what you are calling into your world.

Harnessing a unique and powerful blend of coaching and alternative therapies, including cognitive, somatic and energetic supports, this mastermind will hold space for the deep healing that arises from past trauma, along with energetic releases and life coaching.

The strengths-focused  business strategy support that you will receive in the Transcendence Mastermind is aligned with my core knowledge and teaching - focusing on helping you to develop strategies that work with your specific energy type and how you function. This approach will create a spacious strengths-led business that will accelerate your growth in a way that feels sustainable and supportive to your energy type. The work we do goes beyond your usual business guidance, going deep into your inner self.

You get access to all of me and my modalities to experience an inner transformation that transcends understanding and goes beyond your perceived limits (plus some killer strategy!)

Ready to meet your new edge?


Big shifts happen in my healing containers

"In just one session Jess was able to get to the root of my anxiety & stress. She helped me to release some feelings/beliefs that I'd been holding inside for a very long time. "

Kimberly, Founder of Diminish AU

"This experience was far and beyond what I could have expected. Jess helped my overcome so many personal blocks and experiences triggering anxiety."

Kamri Hill, CEO Kamri Hill

"Our sessions were powerful, healing and nurturing. Jess had a beautiful way of holding space and getting to the heart and origin of my stories."

Jo Clark, CEO of Jo Clark Coaching


"I always say, when you’re ready - your teacher will appear, and how true this was for me. Jess is intuitive, caring, and extremely skilled in what she does but more than anything she will call me out and hold me accountable. She is not just about ‘the session’ or ‘the training’ but the progression I am making on my own path. She gives everything she has, and it has truly transformed me as a person, therapist and how I show up in my business. Thank you Jess."

Coby H.

This is for impact driven coaches, healers and services providers who know what they want to achieve and are desiring continual elevation and growth to reach their next level in life and business.


You are ready for a personal evolution into the woman who can hold space for a boundless level of income, clients and impact.

You are committed to doing the inner work, even though it feels deep and uncomfortable.

You are ready to break through the limiting beliefs, fears and self imposed glass ceiling that have previously held you back internally.

You are clear on what you want to achieve and are ready to invest to make it happen faster.

You value a holistic approach, you are open and coachable for new experiences including somatic (body), cognitive (mind) and energetic processes.

You are over the group coaching programs with no personalised feedback and your mentor doesn’t even know your offers.

You highly value the company of like-minded, energetically aligned women who support each other and help each other move forward

Your investment in this transformational experience grants you access to:

  • Me as your guide and mentor. All of my modalities, my support through your healing, and my eyes on your business from the lens of my experiences in 10+ years of business and a high-level mastermind with world-class mentors.
  • Monthly Renewal Calls ensure that you show up for your clients feeling regulated and refreshed, without any triggers in your way.
  • Monthly Hot Seat Calls to help you get unstuck in your business, overcome your blocks and self-imposed limitations.
  • Monthly Growth Calls to help you build a deeper relationship with yourself, support personal growth, regulate your nervous system, and break through limiting beliefs.
  • Real-Time Support in our Slack Channel - this is where the magic happens when you surround yourself with energetically aligned people.
  • A Private Portal full of additional resources to support you to create solid business foundations and strategy that aligns with your unique strengths, gifts and energy type.
  • 2 x Private Healing Sessions with me for faster, deeper movement through your blocks. 
  • Strategy Support with Annelise Worn in our Slack Channel and on our hot seat calls.
  • Monthly Human Design Insights with Tegan Parkinson to get to know your unique self deeper in a capacity that will support your journey to creating an energetically aligned and strengths-led business.
  • Embodied Entrepreneur the ultimate self-development journey for soul-led Entrepreneurs ready to Embody the Successful Entrepreneur within



Limited spaces available. This mastermind will hold space for up to 20 women only to ensure everyone receives an intimate and highly supportive experience. The energy of the group is essential and will directly impact your healing and outcome, so it will be carefully curated with aligned women only.

Your Investment

Option One

12 Month Mastermind

Pay In Full

$9900 AUD


12 Month Payment Plan

$825 x 12 AUD


18 Month Payment Plan

$550 x 18 AUD

All pricing is inclusive of GST 10%


Option Two (Best Value)

12 Month Mastermind Experience + Private Mentoring with Jessica

Pay In Full

$12,324 AUD


12 Month Payment Plan

$1027 x 12


18 Month Payment Plan

$685 x 18


Includes 10 monthly private holistic healing or mentoring sessions with Jessica

All pricing is inclusive of GST 10%


How to apply:


Take a moment to notice how your body feels after reading this.

Are you excited for the possibility?

Are you feeling open and expansive?


If YES, I can't wait to meet you!

  • Proceed to secure your place
  • Pay a $550 deposit and select your preferred commencement date
  • Your onboarding form will be reviewed and if for some reason, we are a mis-match your deposit will be refunded in full. See FAQ's below for more details

Your Questions Answered